Dan BolenProfile Photo

Dan Bolen


Dan Bolen was born in 1947 in Spokane, Washington and grew up in Boise, Idaho, and in
several places in Alaska. After marrying a girl in white gogo boots and dropping out of college
to become a Jehovah’s Witness minister, he discovered he had a gift for employment
recruiting – a passion that would propel him to great professional and financial success.
From 1967 until 2019 he helmed the nationally recognized executive search firms
Management Recruiters of Boise and Dan Bolen and Associates. After using work addiction
and religious addiction to bury who he really was, he finally come out as a gay man at 70 years
old. After he came out as gay, he was disfellowshipped from the church, and ended up in a divorce
to his second wife. It was at this time he decided to write his own book titled “The Courage
To Be Courageous” to help others to gain the peace and joy that comes from living as your
authentic self.

Feb. 23, 2023

The Courage To Be Courageous with Dan Bolen

Dan Bolen joins Britt for an illuminating conversation about coming out at an any age, spirituality, addiction, abuse, redefining personal success, and how to find the courage to be courageous. But most importantly they discuss all sorts of ways we …

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